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Dr. Kenneth Hughes’ Blog

Dr. Kenneth Hughes and The Benefits of Walking

Dr. Kenneth Hughes does a combination of walking and faster paced activities for cardiovascular health.   Walking certainly benefits cardiovascular health, improves metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, and help maintain a healthy weight.  Walking on a...

Dr. Kenneth Hughes Bodybuilder

A bodybuilder is often thought of in society as a musclebound hot-headed individual without any intellectual sophistication.  The truth is that a bodybuilder in the most basic sense is an individual looking to better him or herself with the application of strength...

Overcoming Back Pain as an Athlete

Back pain affects a large percentage of the population.   The causes for the pain are many and many can be managed conservatively.  However, there are structural reasons that can severely cripple an athlete's quality of life and the ability to compete.  People are...

The Aging Bodybuilder: Do Not Give Up

The aging bodybuilder faces a number of challenges, but giving up is not the answer.  The aging bodybuilder must contend with lower hormone levels and a body that is more likely to be injured and less likely to respond favorably to training. Age will take a toll on...

Shotput and the Strength Athlete

Shotput is a track and field specialty that involves throwing a 16 lb metal ball as far as you can.  The sport involves a rare combination of speed and strength to enable the competitors to throw 60 feet, 70 feet, and beyond.  The current world record is over 75...